

Mission Statements

Architectural Review Board (ARB)

Art League

The mission of the Art League is to “Promote the Arts and the Artists of LakeRidge Falls, including all visual, performing as well as creative writing for the enhancement of LakeRidge Falls.” The Committee usually meets monthly. Art League Documents

Budget Committee

Buildings Committee

Hurricane Preparedness Group

The Hurricane Preparedness Group has the responsibility to assist the President and Board of Directors in executing and overseeing the LRF Hurricane Preparedness Plan.   The plan is designed to prepare the facilities and grounds of the Association for pending tropical storms and hurricanes. This plan sets forth information to assist homeowners and residents with their protection of personal and real property as well as to assist the Board of Directors, committees and management in the protection of common property. The group meets as necessary to update or revise the Hurricane Preparedness Plan or in the event of weather conditions that may require the activation of the Plan.

Landscape Committee

Pool Committee

Roads & Grounds Committee

Security Committee

Social Committee

The LakeRidge Falls Activities Committee is a volunteer social club of community residents formed for the purpose of providing social activities including parties, outings, etc. for LakeRidge Falls residents on a regular basis. The Committee usually meets monthly.