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Long Range Ponds Working Group
Long Range Ponds Working Group
The Lakeridge Falls Board of Directors has established a working group to study and make recommendations for the remediation of current erosion problems, as well as a long term plan to stabilize, and/or minimize, future erosion in our storm water drainage ponds. Members of this group include Chuck Tierney, Chuck Wilson, Tony Scacifero and Mary Lynn Collins and Judy Buffa. The group has been empaneled by a Board Resolution, for the duration of the project. The group will be working directly with current Board members, and the Board has agreed to commit whatever resources reasonably necessary to accomplish the foregoing goals, and to eventually arrive at a comprehensive plan looking toward future maintenance.
The Board recently received proposals to repair two areas of erosion on lake #12 along the south perimeter wall, closest to the Mi Pueblo gate. Unlike the sidewalk issue we wrestled with in 2016, we did not have a survey to judge how these two referenced areas relate to what is happening in the rest of the community. We realize erosion is an ongoing natural event, and is more obvious in some areas than in other areas.
The Board asked the Roads and Grounds Committee to perform a rudimentary survey to give us a sense of where we stand with erosion, or other problems that are currently obvious in our 16 storm water drainage ponds. This group will use that survey as a starting point, and begin an analysis of all aspects of what we, as a community, need to do to address the long term maintenance and upkeep of these ponds. Early/initial analysis should prioritize the areas of immediate concern, and lean toward solutions of those problems.
The Board has previously established a file repository to collect all historical data, and research suggesting action for future reference. The Board envisions this group working closely with our lake maintenance contractor and long term landscaping group, amongst others. The eventual report should encompass what was done in the past and what the group recommends should be done in the future. The Board will commit whatever professional, engineering or other help should be necessary to accomplish this task.
The Board wishes to thank those members that have come forward to undertake this important task on behalf of the community.
July 2018 – Update
April 2019 – Update
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